Our Vision

We are dedicated to the vision that access to quality mental health services is critical to a stable society. The stigma attached to seeking help must be eradicated.  In a complex environment, people need assistance with navigating life events.  Our vision guides our mission. We believe in the power of supporting people in their most vulnerable times in their lives. Obstacles become obtainable goals when there is a team approach.  We provide the skills necessary to facilitate emotional stability and growth in children, adolescents, and adults. Restoring harmony to the couple or family unit is part of the service we provide.

Competent, Caring, Confidential



Our counseling service provides a full range of Social Work services such as, psychotherapy, psychosocial evaluations, consultations, professional development training, employee assistance, substance abuse recovery.


What would you do to extend your life by two years? According to research, our connection to other people, our social wellness, impacts our health and longevity!  In the age of social media, one thing that has not changed is the need for quality relationships in our life. Relationships that we can grow in, be healthy in, and help us to navigate the struggles we face. Our workplace, our family, and our personal relationships matter! We assist you with the tools to develop and maintain healthy relationships. Family feud? Sibling rivalries? Issues at your workplace? Bring us your challenges, help is only a phone call away!



Anxiety, is normal! There are things that all of us worry about from time to time. However, there is something called worrying too much, when worrying begins to interfere with the quality of life. If you are experiencing anxious thoughts throughout your week, anxiety that is interrupting your normal activities, or symptoms such as fatigue, help is available. Our treatment helps you get to the source, and work toward resolutions.



Are you thinking you may be depressed? Do you find yourself feeling sad, lonely, not interested in doing the things you used to enjoy doing? Have you had these feelings for weeks or months?  If so, you may be right. You are not alone! Millions of people suffer from periodic periods of depression, sometimes due to stress, loss, or traumatic events. Depression is treatable, there is no shame in admitting you are experiencing these symptoms and more. Depression fuels isolation and isolation fuels depression. Talk therapy is one tool that can help you fight back and regain the happiness and emotional stability you had before. Live the life you were meant to live! We are here to take the first steps with you…………




"I have worked with Madelon for several years and have found her to be a great listener, as well as a good guide to my difficult situations. Overall, I highly whole heartily recommend Madelon Kendricks to anyone looking for relational or family counseling.

– Marissa R..., White Plains, New York


"Working with Madelon for several years, I would agree that she is a great listener in coaching me anxiety issues with my job.  If you are looking for a coach I highly recommend Ms. Kendricks to anyone looking for direction and effectiveness.

– Efraim W..., Miami, Florida


"As a mother of three whose older son is fighting opioid addiction from pain medication, Madelon has guided me through the process of saving my sanity as my family goes through the journey of recovery.  She has truly helped me.

– Zakia E..., Bronx, New York


Welcome to InspireU Counseling Service, LCSW, PLLC. InspireU Counseling is a Professional Limited Liability Corporation, licensed in the State of New York. Madelon Kendricks is the founder of InspireU.

Inspireu Counseling Service seeks to provide the highest quality of mental health services to our clients. Our clientele is from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and socio-economic levels.

We achieve this goal by providing the following services:

  • Assess and identify emotional and situational issues that impact functioning

  • Work closely with our clients to analyze thought and behaviors that impede stability

  • Improve relations within the family / and or couple relationships.

  • Provide a safe, friendly environment to help resolve emotional issues and create a brighter future.

  • Develop a targeted intervention plan involving schools, other health professionals, and community based resources to help our clients reach their therapy goals.

Approach and Specialties

Our approach to therapy is dynamic! We empower our clients to engage in self-care, and work together in the process of restoring balance to their lives.

Therapeutic Approach:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  • Play-Therapy

  • Supportive

  • Interpersonal

  • Trauma Systems Therapy (TST)


Call or email us today to get the conversation started. We are ready to help you with your challenges to move towards strengthening your resilience.

Madelon Kenricks, LCSW-R
Psychotherapist, Consultant, Life Coach
Email: Mjk@I-InspireU.com
Telephone Number: 1(800) 785-3870

For Online Theory or Consultation